Counselling for Addictions
Experience has shown me that addiction to substances and behaviours are symptoms of underlying issues. e.g. people use substances and behaviours to help them cope with their underlying difficult thoughts and feelings about themselves others, and about life in general.
Some people may turn to drinking, drug use, sex, gambling, eating, spending,OCD, and other substances or behaviours') as a way to "treat" or diminish feelings that seem overwhelming at the time, such as anxiety, insecurity,sadness, anger or shame.
These feelings seem less intolerable when they are acting out their addictive behaviour. People can use addictive behaviour to cope with self critical feelings. They find that they can be gentler with themselves when they use drugs or alcohol, food, spending etc.
They can sometimes use addictive substances or behaviour to help them cope with feelings of anger, despair,disappointment with others, or with their distorted image of themselves.
Addictive behaviour can also give people a temporary sense of belonging, and /or a sense of power, It can help them feel more in control, and less helpless or useless. It can also help give some relief to life’s stresses and responsibilities. Unfortunately, in the long, or short term this can have negative consequences.
The way I work is to help clients to understand themselves a bit more and to look at why they may be using addictive behaviours. This understanding can help bring about a change in feelings and attitudes toward themselves, others, and life in general.