Online Group Therapy
(Boundaries, Self Care, Communication, Support, Depression, Anxiety, Co dependency etc)
Closed Mixed Gender Group,(Max 8 people) which runs weekly.
Thursday evenings 7pm- 8:15
£35 per session. Four weeks payable in advance (£140). Two weeks notice required if you would like to end.
If you would like to join this group and would like to discuss fees, and your suitability, please contact
Peter Doyle on 07803938595
This Group is facilitated by a myself. It is an ongoing closed group,with a review every six months. There is a maximum of 8 people. The group will give you an opportunity to address issues around Relationships,Communication, Boundaries, Depression, Anxiety, Anger etc. co dependency, problems with relationships, food , sex, alcohol, gambling ,bereavement, and any other issues or concerns that you may have.
Some advantages of group therapy:
- You will learn to notice more clearly the emotional patterns and thoughts that influence your behaviour.
- You will develop greater awareness and flexibility in how you relate to yourself and others.
- You will develop the ability to identify,experience and understand what is going on in your mind
- In a safe and confidential environment you will have the opportunity to practice communication skills, behaviours, and actions within the safety and security of the group. This can help you to develop more confidence and self esteem
- By working in a group, the therapist, and group members can see first-hand how each person responds to other people and behaves in social situations. Using this information, the therapist and group members can provide valuable feedback to each other.
The Principles of Group Therapy, Irvin Yalom
- The instillation of hope: The group contains members at different stages of the treatment process. Seeing people who are coping or recovering gives hope to those at the beginning of the process.
- Universality: Being part of a group of people who have the same experiences helps people see that what they are going through is universal and that they are not alone.
- Imparting information: Group members are able to help each other by sharing information.
- Altruism: Group members are able to share their strengths and help others in the group, which can boost self-esteem and confidence.
- The corrective recapitulation of the primary family group: The therapy group is much like a family in some ways. Within the group, each member can explore how childhood experiences contributed to personality and behaviours. They can also learn to avoid behaviour's that are destructive or unhelpful in real life.
- Development of socialization techniques: The group setting is a great place to practice new behaviours. The setting is safe and supportive, allowing group members to experiment without the fear of failure.
- Imitative behaviour: Individuals can model the behaviour of other members of the group or observe and imitate the behaviour of the therapist.
- Interpersonal learning: By interacting with other people and receiving feedback from the group and the therapist, each individual can gain a greater understanding of himself or herself.
- Group cohesiveness: Because the group is united in a common goal, members gain a sense of belonging and acceptance.
- Catharsis: Sharing feelings and experiences with a group of people can help relieve pain, guilt, or stress.
- Existential factors: While working within a group offers support and guidance, group therapy helps member realize that they are responsible for their own lives, action and choices.
The Effectiveness of Group Therapy
Group therapy can be very effective, especially in certain situations. Studies have shown that group therapy can be an effective treatment choice for depression, Anxiety, and Relationship difficulties.
Some advantages of group therapy include:
- Group therapy allows people to high lite and observe their interpersonal skills and difficulties, and to receive feedback and realty checking from other group members. You will receive the support and encouragement from the other members of the group. People participating in the group are able to see that there are others going through the same thing, which can help them feel less alone.
- In a safe and confidential environment you will have the opportunity to practice communication skills, behaviours and actions within the safety and security of the group. This can help you to develop more confidence and self esteem
- By working in a group, the therapist, and group members can see first-hand how each person responds to other people and behaves in social situations. Using this information, the therapist and group members can provide valuable feedback to each other.